
INTJ Women With Double Standards?

Let's talk a little bit about some so called rational INTJ women and their double standards.

Many of you in the INTJ Females group on Facebook will know that every now and then someone in there has an emotional outburst, usually for no other reason than someone having a different opinion to them.

A while ago someone was going on about being diagnosed with autism, to which I said they weren't autistic. I don't agree that normal people who are a little socially awkward should be labelled autistic, especially when this is a term used to describe people who are retarded. When the word retard became seen as an insult, a new word was needed, this has already happened several times over when moron, idiot and various others became insults and therefore fell out of use and were replaced. And this is going to keep happening. Unless we stop this ridiculous behaviour all words will be classed as hate speech and banned, and then all we will be able to do is grunt, and even then there will be those offended by it.

I never once said that anyone in the group is retarded, I told them that they are NOT retarded, they are not autistic and it is ridiculous to label them as such. But maybe they think they can use their newly earned label as an excuse for being a complete bitch to everyone they come across?

So anyway, the women who were offended, when I said they are not autistic, said I had called them a retard, never did, decided they were going to report me and the group for hate speech and try to get it shut down. They talked about this in my own group right in front of me and yet got all angry and upset when I removed them! It didn't stop them spreading their hate though, oh no, they then went into another group and started to tell everyone that I am "insane" and "crazy" they said I started to attack group members. Erm no, I removed those attacking me, BIG DIFFERENCE!

And the most unbelievable thing about this whole episode is that those nasty women think it is perfectly fine for them to call me names using words used to describe someone with a mental illness. Double standards much?

I wanted to post this blog to show just how terrible people can be when they are offended by something they have absolutely no right to be offended about.

So what if I don't think people who aren't retarded should be labelled autistic? That is my opinion and you telling me I am crazy and insane for thinking that isn't going to make me change my mind.

I guess those special snowflakes who love their labels really do want special treatment. They can call someone names and spread nasty rumours about them and try to ruin them. But no one else can say fuck all.

Well fuck that, you won't ever shut me up!

So why did these women want to start a hate campaign against me?

I have dealt with these kinds of attacks all my life, I write on my own blog about how I am used as a scapegoat so many times.

It is simple, they can't stand to see someone who is free and happy when their life is a pit of fear and disappear. They want to ruin anyone who dares to speak their mind because they are too scared to. They are scared to work on themselves and to look within to their own dark side, but they will do all they can to punish those who are strong enough to.

I am not angry about what they are trying to do to me, I pity them.

3 Reasons Why People Don't Like You.

If you have ever asked yourself, "Why don't people like me?" then let me help you to understand some of the reasons that could be causing you problems.

I also offer some solutions which, if you are disturbed by your rejection, you might want to consider implementing.

1. You're more successful than them.

I am not talking being mega-rich because most people look up to and admire those people, I am talking about you being just a bit more successful than someone.

Why will this cause people to not like you?

It makes the other person feel inferior and not good enough, so they will choose to like and hang around with others who are in a similar economic situation as them.

This also goes for academia. If you have a higher level of academic qualifications than them, don't expect them to like you, having you around will just make them feel like a failure.

How to overcome this.

If you want these people to like you, you must be humble and play down your achievements.

2. You're a know it all.

As INTJs we spend a LOT of time researching and gaining new knowledge. We even manage to change our beliefs when we find evidence contrary to what we first thought could be true.

However, once we have done all the research and made a decision, we know clearly within our own mind that we have now found the truth of that matter and we move on to the next topic.

If someone later comes along and talks about a subject we have full knowledge of and have therefore come to a conclusion about it, we are not afraid to tell someone they are wrong about it and provide all the evidence as such. To which the other person, who has strong views to the contrary, does one of two things, they fight, and inevitably lose and end up hating you for it, or they take flight, as they don't want to accept the truth.

How to overcome this.

If you want people to like you, people who hold different views from your own, stop feeling the need to convince them they are wrong. It doesn't really matter what someone else believes anyway.

3. You don't bond with them.

I know, I know, small talk sucks and seems so pointless and irritating. However, talking about the weather and other random useless chit-chat is what starts the bonding process between two people.

Complaining about the rain or it being too hot, and you both agreeing and sympathising with each other is what starts two strangers bonding. If you skip this part and jump straight into something technical on first meeting someone they will see you as cold and unapproachable. I get that you are just being efficient when you go to a work colleague and ask them for xyz, rather than asking how they are and complaining about the weather before getting to the point, but other more emotion-based beings will just think you are an arrogant jerk.

You are probably the hardest worker in the company, but even your boss hates you. This is why - you don't take time to bond with people.

How to overcome this.

When you need something from someone at work, or anywhere really, remember to do a little bit of general small talk first, make the other person feel at ease and happy to be dealing with you.

Something to remember.

INTJs are intimidating to mere mortals, INTJ females are doubly so! If you remember that people are often scared of you and feel inferior to you, you will remember to be a little bit kinder to them.

20 Reasons Why INTJ Females Find It Hard To Get Along With Other Women.

1. We aren't really interested in your gossip, we just switch off when you start.
2. We don't really care what is in fashion, we just want to wear what we want to wear. Pointing out that our clothes are "sooo last season" means nothing to us.
3. We did notice you had your hair done, it looks terrible, well you did ask.
4. Yes, you do look terrible in that outfit, try something black.
5. I made a sarcastic joke and you are crying again!
6. Quit that helpless act when men are around please!
7. You just told me your problems and yet don't like my solutions, then why come to me with your problems?
8. Yes I do know everything there is to know about the said subject, and no that doesn't mean I think I am better than you, but you know I probably am.
9. Yes, I have a lot of male friends and I get on well with them, maybe because I am not a whinger like you.
10. No, I won't yield to group pressure, I will always do what I feel is right, peer pressure doesn't work on me.
11. I have no desire to try to fit in, I know I never will.
12. You can't shame me or manipulate me into complying with you.
13. No, I don't want to go shopping.
14. No, I don't want to watch (insert tacky chick flick title) can we watch some science fiction or something post-apocalyptic instead?
15. Yes, I am wearing the same clothes again, so what!
16. No, I don't want to have a pamper session, get that face mask gunk away from me.
17. No, you can't do my make-up and hair for me.
18. No, I don't want to go and get my nails done as a treat!
19. I would let you come over today to tell me all about your latest crush, but I have books to read.
20. I never mean to upset you with my honesty, I was trying to be helpful.

Final note, this is just a bit of fun, don't take it too seriously :)