
20 Reasons Why INTJ Females Find It Hard To Get Along With Other Women.

1. We aren't really interested in your gossip, we just switch off when you start.
2. We don't really care what is in fashion, we just want to wear what we want to wear. Pointing out that our clothes are "sooo last season" means nothing to us.
3. We did notice you had your hair done, it looks terrible, well you did ask.
4. Yes, you do look terrible in that outfit, try something black.
5. I made a sarcastic joke and you are crying again!
6. Quit that helpless act when men are around please!
7. You just told me your problems and yet don't like my solutions, then why come to me with your problems?
8. Yes I do know everything there is to know about the said subject, and no that doesn't mean I think I am better than you, but you know I probably am.
9. Yes, I have a lot of male friends and I get on well with them, maybe because I am not a whinger like you.
10. No, I won't yield to group pressure, I will always do what I feel is right, peer pressure doesn't work on me.
11. I have no desire to try to fit in, I know I never will.
12. You can't shame me or manipulate me into complying with you.
13. No, I don't want to go shopping.
14. No, I don't want to watch (insert tacky chick flick title) can we watch some science fiction or something post-apocalyptic instead?
15. Yes, I am wearing the same clothes again, so what!
16. No, I don't want to have a pamper session, get that face mask gunk away from me.
17. No, you can't do my make-up and hair for me.
18. No, I don't want to go and get my nails done as a treat!
19. I would let you come over today to tell me all about your latest crush, but I have books to read.
20. I never mean to upset you with my honesty, I was trying to be helpful.

Final note, this is just a bit of fun, don't take it too seriously :)

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